Latham Diversity Scholars Program
Our attorneys, paralegals and staff throughout the world are a rich mixture of men and women of different
races, ethnic backgrounds, cultures and primary languages. We are strengthened enormously by this
diversity. The Latham Diversity Scholars Program, started in 2005, is designed to increase the number of
diverse attorneys who want to pursue careers in global law firms, such as Latham & Watkins, which has
US offices in Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, New Jersey, New York, Orange County, San
Diego, San Francisco, Silicon Valley and Washington, D.C. This program is part of our active involvement
in the initiatives of bar associations to promote diversity in attorney hiring and advancement. Our targeted
and sustained efforts to recruit and hire diverse summer associates and attorneys include sponsorship of
and participation in a wide variety of events designed to introduce the firm to recruits and vice versa. As
an integral part of our Global Recruiting Committee, we have an active Diversity Hiring Sub-Committee,
consisting of attorneys and professional staff devoted to diversity outreach efforts. For additional
information on our commitment to diversity, please visit our website at
To become a Latham Diversity Scholar, you must be enrolled in an ABA-accredited law school and intend
to practice law in a major city of the United States. You must have successfully completed your first year
of a full-time JD program by the application deadline, with an expected graduation date of spring 2014,
and you may not be the recipient of a similar scholarship award from another law firm.
Latham Diversity Scholars will receive a gift of a $10,000 non-renewable scholarship for their second year
of law school (2012 2013). This scholarship is not contingent upon receiving or accepting an offer of
employment at Latham & Watkins. We awarded four scholarships each in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
and 2011. In 2012, we expanded our scholarship to include six diversity scholars. In 2013, we anticipate
naming six scholars as well.
To be considered for the Latham Diversity Scholars Program, please complete and submit an application
form, resume, unofficial or official law school transcript and personal statement to Latham & Watkins.
The application process is open to law students who meet the eligibility requirements stated above.
Applications must be received by July 20, 2012. A selection panel of attorneys will evaluate all
applications, considering such factors as academic achievement, work experience and overall
commitment to diversity, and announce the scholarship recipients in the fall of 2012. Late or
incomplete applications may be reviewed at the discretion of the selection panel.
Latham & Watkins operates worldwide as a limited liability partnership organized under the laws of the State of Delaware (USA) with affiliated limited
liability partnerships conducting the practice in the United Kingdom, France, Italy and Singapore and as affiliated partnerships conducting the practice in
Hong Kong and Japan. Latham & Watkins practices in Saudi Arabia in association with the Law Office of Mohammed Al-Sheikh. © Copyright 2012
Latham & Watkins. All Rights Reserved.
Latham Diversity Scholars Program Application
Your complete application package must include the following items:
This Application Form (signed and dated)
Unofficial or Official Law School Transcript
Personal Statement (no more than 500 words)
Please keep in mind that this is not an application for employment at Latham & Watkins. Accordingly, please
refrain from discussing how you would be a great candidate to work at Latham or to contribute to diversity at
Latham. Instead, in your personal statement, please discuss how you will contribute to diversity in the legal
profession specifically, including (to the extent applicable) such factors as:
What led you to pursue a legal career
If applicable, what led to your desire to practice in a global law firm environment
The ways in which you would commit, promote and contribute to the diversity objectives of your law firm and
global law firms generally (provide any relevant examples of your past efforts to advance diversity goals)
Life experiences that have shaped your values and/or that provide you with a unique perspective
Any obstacles, challenges or other factors (financial or otherwise) that you encountered in pursuing a legal career
Academic and/or leadership achievements
Name _________________________________________________________________________________
Law School ______________________________
Expected Graduation Date _______________
Address ________________________________
Phone ________________________________
E-mail ________________________________
Self-identification: (please check all that apply)
___ American Indian or Alaska Native
___ Asian
___ Black or African American
___ Hispanic or Latino
___ Middle Eastern
___ Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
___ Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transgender
___ White
___ Other (describe) _____________________
How did you hear about our Diversity Scholars Program? (please check all that apply)
___ E-mail
___ Latham & Watkins Website
___ Flyer at Law School
___ Student Organization
___ Law School Career Services Office
___ Law School Financial Aid Office
___ Friend/Law School Classmate
___ Latham & Watkins Employee
___ Article in Legal Publication
___ Other (describe) _____________________
Signature _________________________________________ Date ________________________
Your application (this form, resume, transcript and personal statement) should be submitted in one complete package to:
Diversity Scholars Program Selection Panel
ATTN: Heather Sardinha
Latham & Watkins LLP
12636 High Bluff Drive, Suite 400
San Diego, CA 92130
You may also fax your completed application to (858) 523-5450 or e-mail it to
If you have any questions regarding the Latham Diversity Scholars Program, please contact
Elizabeth Krichmar, Global Recruiting Manager, at